Thinking like a Saver – Broke Girl Rich Girl Series

” For every dollar that you spend that is not thought through is a choke to your retirement, your savings and your dreams.”

Thinking like a Saver - Broke Girl Rich Girl Series By Hillary Hopper

Everyone is trying to squeeze a penny out of you. They tell you in their subtle ways that if you buy their product you’ll be more valuable. Your status will move up and people will like you more.

That couldn’t be further from the truth dear reader. Our possessions should serve as filling needs or a hobby. The occasional splurge for a treat to yourself is acceptable. But not in excess. You need clothes to stay warm and to look presentable, but don’t let it get out of hand. Your motive for purchases should have meaning and be methodical. For every dollar that you spend that is not thought through is a choke to your retirement, your savings and your dreams.

Some questions to ask yourself before you make a purchase:

  • Do I really need this?
  • Why do I want this?
  • Will I like this a year from now?
  • Is the quality worth the price?
  • What is my track record for similar purchases?


Now I’m not talking about grocery shopping or purchasing an RX (Although groceries stores have a way of telling you that you need more).  These are questions to ask yourself when you’re online surfing Pinterest, Ruelala and many other popular penny pinchers. People are so good at making products look needy. So desirable you just have to buy. But resist. Is that necklace going to be a staple in your wardrobe? Will you wear it in a year? How trendy is it? Classic? Ah so many questions! But important ones. The way you manage your money now is a glimpse for how your future and retirement will look. Look at your bank statements and you will see either a successful future or one of always trying to catch up.

How to deal?

Don’t shop and save as much as you can.  Wait what?! Did I just say don’t shop? Yes, that’s exactly what I said. By not looking you’re saving. That extra $10 can go into your retirement, savings, or your dream savings account. Since when was the last time you bought a shirt that helped you buy new furniture, or grew your retirement fund? I say almost never in my life. The only time an outfit made me money is when I wore a suit to a job interview that put me in the position I am in today (Dressing for the future postion you want to have is always a good thing!).

What next, no shopping? My life is going to end!

Oh my gosh the drama! I thought my life was ending too! What happened to shopping with my girlfriends, buying a bag or bracelet online on a whim. Absolutely nothing. The only difference is I just don’t swipe my card. I hold self control as my closet friend and always keep her by my side. You’ll leave stores feeling more confident about yourself knowing you just saved $100 towards your dream in life, retirement or that mini vacation with your significant other. The greatest thing about being a shopper that saves, is that you invest your money into memories and not material things. I’d much rather have a million memories with the people I love, then a thousand pairs of shoes stacked to the nines (Although lets not get too carried away here, I do love shoes). ;)

 What are ways that help you when you’re shopping or just about to hit “Submit” on an online purchase? 

Handmade Glass Pearl Necklace

It was my project over the weekend, that I would create a necklace. I used to create jewelry back in high school and it was a wonderful hobby. I have decided to take it up again, because it allows me to still be creative, away from my computer. I’ve realized that because I am so highly creative, I have to constantly be creating something. When I am not, I get bored and start to feel complacent.  I’ve been like this since childhood and find it to be a good trait.

I bought most of the supplies for the necklace on Amazon and they arrived within 1-2 days of ordering. Although I do think that certain supplies would have been cheaper at a craft store supplier. But, nothing beats free shipping and saving gas to drive to the store.

Handmade Glass Pearl Necklace - From

Handmade Glass Pearl Necklace - From

Handmade Glass Pearl Necklace - From

The project took me a few hours only because I was just learning how to use headpins and creating loops. But once I got the hang of it, things started moving pretty quickly! I used a white see through ribbon to tie the necklace together, which in turn makes it very comfortable to wear.

Free High Quality Invitation Fonts

Free High Quality Invitation Fonts!

Free high qaulity invitation fonts for weddings, birthdays, birth announcements and engagements! Sometimes it’s hard to find fonts that fit the bill just perfectly for invitations. The ones below that I have found, are pretty versatile for many different occasions. Plus they are free or have the option to donate!





Nelma (EPS)


Great Vibes


Ostrich Sans





