Your Brand Do.

When was the last you got your haircut? Does it look good? Do you like it? Do people compliment you on it? Usually when someone gets a dramatic hair cut everyone that you’re close to, notices.  It’s a moment of attention and a few seconds of someone taking notice of you. Even if it’s just for a second. Haircuts can even be viral (if they are dramatic).  You’re probably asking yourself  ”What does this have to do with me and design? My hair looks good…I think?”

When  was the last time you took your brand to the stylist and had it washed, brushed, cut/trimmed  and styled? Probably not in awhile. Maybe a few weeks, maybe a few months. Here’s hoping it hasn’t been years!

Like anything else your brand is who you are. If you’re not constantly grooming it, it’s going to get split ends, grow too long and look unappealing. Im writing this because I’ve noticed it with my brand and observed others. See a need fill a need!

The design world is booming, talented artists are appearing out of the ceiling. Competition is getting fierce and the tension is increasing. So what’s going to raise you above the tension? Your brand re-do.  People are catching on, that being a designer is exciting, fun, bare great salaries and companies need them. The more unique your brand becomes, the more transparent you are and the more people will want you. Or, want to be like you. Don’t conform to other people’s brands, create your own. Be who you are and draw your brand from that.

My brand  re-do consists of new art, mind maps of who I am, what I like and observing what people list me as. Along with sharing what I believe about design and why I do it.  I’ll be setting new brand goals and attempting new strategies. It’s a big undertaking but certainly not something that should be rushed. Pace and iteration is key.

Remember, you’re not changing your brand (You);  you’re only improving it to make it more like you and less like anyone else.