July Summer Dresses

I have found some really cute summer dresses that I love. Some of them are certainly on my wish the list and I am just waiting for sizes. I love the pop of color this summer. Especially living in SF where it’s often foggy. I always have a need to wear something bright to feel cheery on those dreary days. Every girl needs at least one dress for every occasion. Below I have picked out 4 of many occasions, but important ones at that.

Finding the Niche in Readers

Writing has made me learn about myself so much. It has helped me see my interests in a new light. It is also interesting to see how others view me and what they find interesting. Writing on my site has exposed a whole new route, that I wasn’t sure was possible a few months ago. It’s truly amazing to find myself in you, my readers. I find more encouragement to be who I truly am and write what I am truly passionate about. Creating a blog and writing isn’t just about writing and what your readers want. It’s also about writing about what your readers see in you. Blogging is a social relationship in a tech medium. I find that I write because I have built relationships with you. I write because I know someone is going to feel or see the same way I do. Apart of me loves to give back to what has been giving so graciously to me.

Blogging is a social relationship in a tech medium.

I would define my writing as a mix between tech, fashion and design. This is a niche that kind of wraps itself in each other. Why not be a tech savy woman with style who designs full time? People who say that a blog just needs to be one niche isn’t looking at the full picture. That’s like saying human beings are only two dimensional. Human beings have so many more angles to us. To not show and represent the other ones is a waste. Sure, a niche for some people is good. Some people need a strong niche to stay on topic. But for me, I feel that I am expressing my voice, my opinions and passions. If blogging were just about one thing and one thing only, the internet would be a pretty boring place. People love to watch people. It’s something we’ve done since the dawn of time. Why do you think Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are so engaging? Because we can all watch each other, secretly. It’s entertaining, it’s secretive and engaging.

People love to watch people.

Finding my niche for blogging wasn’t truly in myself. It wasn’t writing down every thing I like and take interest in. It was seeing what my readers were saying about me. It was realizing that I had some valuable topics and knowledge in a certain area that I can write about. Because readers can help define a blog niche, means they will read and read often.  Finding a niche with a couple of topics that intertwine each other is valuable and what every writer should try to find. Granted, this epiphany just occurred to me today. It’s taken me about two years to realize this. But it’s true, content isn’t within myself, it’s within my readers.

(Photos credited to: @zangaroo | @blueeyesbrenna | @pipta | @srslyliz)

Summer Running Tips

  • Eating a healthy diet while running is imperative
    You can’t expect to be a long distance runner and eat junk food all day. It just won’t happen. Protein, healthy carbs, and vegetables makes a huge difference. Say no to the Diorites and enjoy something just as yummy but less junk food esc. Nuts, like almonds and cashews with apples is a great snack with a little bit of cheese. Your stomach will thank you later and so will your run. Stay away from foods that are designed to make you crave and want more.

  • Sleeping beauty
    If you want to have good run times and run for a long period of time, you’ll need a lot of sleep. Having a full rem cycle during your night will improve your workouts greatly. Feeling well rested and letting your body re-charge is extremely important. You wouldn’t let your iPhone get low on battery, so treat your body as such.

  • Being consistant with your runs 
    You’re not going to wake up one day and be in shape. Working out is like going to church, you have to keep checking in. Even if it’s a short run, at least you worked out. You’ll eventually get to a place where your short check in runs, will turn into longer but possibly less frequent runs. It all depends on your body and what you’re trying to achieve. But across everyone, checking in to run is the key to being and staying in shape or running a race.

  • Proper clothing
    It sounds funny, but you are what you wear. Having correct and good quality running gear will help you perform better. I have noticed that if you love your running clothes and feel good in them, you’re more likely to workout often and have successful workouts. Finding the correct shoes for your feet is important too. If you find that you are bleeding or getting black toes its not because you run a lot. It’s because there is an issue with your running shoes. Go to a professional place to get your run evaluated and fitted for the correct shoes. It may be expensive but worth it if you want to take running seriously.

  • Eat, eat, eat
    Please, don’t forget to eat, but eat the correct things. There are so many resources online that give you great ideas and meals for a healthy diet for runners. Check out livestrong.com for a lot of information. There is also a mens and woman’s section and talks about food thats good for both genders.

  • Change your mindset
    It’s easy to think about running and get stressed. Sure it’s as little painful, and tiring at first. But that probably means a few things. That you’re running too hard, and pushing yourself too much. When you first start out running, it’s important to start out at a slow pace and just enjoy it. Running should be a time for you to relax, let stress go and think about life. If you have trouble focusing during your run, just focus on your breathing and listen to your feet hit the ground. Enjoy the rhythm that you’re making. Take in the sidewalk or the trees around you if you’re running outside.


Running is an incredible way to stay healthy, lose weight and feel active. For me, I started running back in college to relieve stress and now it’s just become apart of my life style. Anyone who knows me knows that running is a huge part of my life. It’s something I make time for just like eating or taking a shower. It’s something that I want to do and also something I must do. When I moved to San Francisco I ran around the city to get a feel for it and memorize streets. Running has a lot benefits just not from staying healthy, but exploring, spending time with friends and enjoying a break from your phone and just thinking.