SnarphBlat Chronicles On The Move


It’s been several years in the making for my Snarphs. Now It’s finally coming together. Although the book isn’t close to being finished, you can see that there is a website page up! If you want to stay up to date you can like the Facebook page and follow on Twitter. This idea started over three years ago sitting at my desk drawing round blobs with big eyes. Just a few days after after sketching these little guys I realized it could be something more. All it took was a little creativity, thinking outside of the box and creating something I would truly love myself.

SnarphBlat Chronicles | Book One

Yup! It’s starting, the book is actually under way. I finally have my first story line down and now I am starting to illustrate. I’ve been wanting to start something that a child could easily understand and also have an adult appreciate. I am having so much fun illustrating this that it doesn’t even feel like a task. Maybe because this world is actually already made up in my own imagination. Of course, I imagined this world before I even designed it. But, to see it come to life is really rewarding. Please stick with me through this process and watch this book revolve.

Support, feedback or ideas are always appreciated.