Supporting Forrst

Recently I became a @Forrst supporter. To be honest, when I signed up in advanced for it I wasn’t even thinking about the awesome features that it came with. I wanted to support a community that had greatly helped me. I’ve been with Forrst since it started and I can remember Kyle sending out the invitations personally. It was really cool then and now it has gotten even better. Forrst has helped me with becoming a better designer, my career and job opportunities. Thinking back to a year ago, Forrst is what made me want to continue in design. When I became apart of the Forrst community it really changed my mindset. I felt comfortable posting work that may have not been great and I was getting constructive criticism back.

Generally I feel that if something or someone blesses me or helps me in any way, I want to give back. Considering how much Forrst has helped me, I feel that sacrificing a few coffees a year is worth it. Without all of these great design communities around on the internet, I feel that a lot of us would be jobless. Or, at least not have as many clients as we would like.

There are people in the design community that are like diamonds in the rough, if you find one, hold onto them!
(My little piece of design community advice).

I am not telling you to go and be a Forrst supporter. Nor am I saying that everyone should. People are lead to do different things within their lives and we all take certain paths. But, if Forrst has helped you personally, financially or career wise I would strongly encourage you to be a supporter.

These are just my simple reasons for joining and helping a community. But for me, I felt like it was the right thing to do.

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